For the love of all things lashes! How I discovered my Career

It was a pivotal moment in time for me.  I was 24 years old with a passion for the beauty industry and the art of cosmetics. With the career options not clear I had difficulty deciding where to focus and knew I needed more information.  I spent all of my pennies flying to Chicago for the largest cosmetology show I could find.  I walked around the show overwhelmed with all of the booths and the amount of people crowding around.  There were rows and rows of companies and the majority seemed to be hair oriented.  This was a bit disappointing at first knowing I had little interest in hair.  Just when I felt a bit defeated out of the corner of my eye I saw this guy doing something to a women's eyes that I had never seen before.  She was lying on a massage table and it appeared she was having some kind of surgery done.  Of coarse now I find that hilarious!  He was applying individual eyelash extensions to each of her lashes!  I was very intrigued and stuck around to see what this was all about.  Now at the time lashes didn't come in cute little packaging or convenient strips.  The lash tech would have to pre prep for the clients the following day by cutting the lengths needed and both sides of the extension were blunt.  I also remember that it was necessary to wait at least 1-2 minutes between each lash application for the adhesive to dry!  Oh how things have progressed in 16 years!  They were still so beautiful and I was sold!  From that day forward I have spent my career focused on how to better the process of eyelash extensions for my clients and other lash artists.  I also spent many years just trying to explain what I did for a living at parties and events due to no one knowing what they were until recently. Over this time I have seen the industry progress and I have experienced the growing pains first hand.  Through my experiences I have learned the importance of having a product line that not only looks great from a clients perspective but is also consistent in quality and availability for the stylist. With the creation of Southern Lash Supply I hope to share my passion of eyelash extensions with others and also simplify the product issues by supplying the very best quality products covering all needs in one location.